
Conquistador’s Blood (Bone Guard 7)

Stolen gold, Zuni warriors, a legacy poisoned forever!

The blood of conquistadors flows in their veins…

When the patriarch of the clan Casaverde drops dead at home, his last words are Grant Casey’s name—but Grant hasn’t spoken to anyone from that family since his parents died, and the clan shut him out. The lure of the half-siblings he’s never met gets him as far as the New Mexico estate where his father was raised, the one they left from the night of the accident that shattered Grant’s life and blew his future.

Coronado’s treasure may be legend, and half the family’s determined to find it—the other half to bury that legacy and pretend the past never happened. Grant wants nothing from these people, but everybody suddenly wants something from him. His parents’ secrets propel him into the hunt for the lost gold, an adventure from the pueblos of the southwest to the shipwrecks of the Gulf Coast, and beyond.

Four hundred years of blood-stained history obscure the truth about the conquest—the truth his parents died for. All Grant can hope is that it won’t kill him, too.

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Joenna’s Ax

After Joenna’s half-orc son is killed in battle, she disguises herself as a man to join the army and avenge him, adding one notch to the handle of her ax for every demons she kills. But when she volunteers to lead a suicide charge of half-orc scouts, she risks her secret and her own mission to try to save them. Rewarded for her prowess with a grant of land and ownership of her half-orc man-at-arms, Joenna plots to rescue all of the half-orcs from the king’s plan to destroy these reviled bastards—making herself a traitor along with them. When their haven is discovered, Joenna leads the half-orcs in a desperate fight against a famous warrior and his knights in the hopes of winning their freedom and claiming their humanity.

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Live Free or Dragons

Live Free or Dragons–edited by Elaine Isaak, and including her short story, “Captive Breeders” is now available!

In addition to her long-form fiction, Elaine has published numerous short stories. She won the Tenebris Press Short Fiction contest, and took an honorable mention in the Waukegan Library Short Story Contest—for which the prize was a book autographed by one of her heroes, Ray Bradbury.

Her stories have appeared in anthologies like Escape Clauses, Clash of Steel: Demons, Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader, and Fantasy for the Throne, as well as in Fireside magazine.

She has also appeared in several volumes of New Hampshire Pulp Fiction, and edited the three most recent volumes: Love Free or Die, Live Free or Ride, and Live Free or Dragons.


Sea Change

A woman afraid of the ocean falls for a man dedicated to protecting it—even if it destroys her hometown forever.

When Jessie gets a message from her ex-fiance, he finally tells her the three little words she’s been longing to hear: I forgive you. She rushes home to Gloucester, Massachusetts to face him again, only to fall into the arms of dashing marine biologist Nathan Pearce. His wheelchair can’t contain his spirit, or his quest to make Jessie his own, but Nate’s on the wrong side of the fishery debate that threatens to tear Gloucester apart. Jessie must let go her own sorrow to mediate the growing conflict. Can she overcome the tragedy that drove her away and give in to the passion that might bring her home to stay?
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Sinner’s Lips

Murder is the leading cause of death for pregnant women in America–and Amanda’s sister is about to become a statistic.

When Amanda answers the phone, her sister whispers “Barry Manilow,” a code phrase sending Amanda on a wild drive to save her sister from her bullying spouse. Amanda arrives too late, with her sister already dying, a newborn crying, and a killer stalking her through the woods. Accused of the murder, Amanda takes refuge with Mark Forester, a hunky ex-con weary of fighting to re-gain his dignity. Suspects include a retired mobster, a popular politician, a new gang, and the quilting rival who envied everything her sister had, including her husband.

Mark’s reluctance to get involved dissolves when he opens himself to the passionate heart of this self-titled “Snow Queen,” and she awakens the spirit he buried in prison. Dodging bullets and the law, Amanda searches for the truth of her sister’s death and Mark’s conviction, all the while pretending she can easily let him go. Amanda’s need arouses the superhero Mark longed to be, but coming to her rescue may force him to betray his best friend and send him straight back to prison, never to return.
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The Assassin’s Throne (Bone Guard 3)

A Templar betrayal, a mechanized throne and a madman who would be king

The Bone Guard runs afoul of modern knights, ancient Assassins and the self-proclaimed King of Jerusalem, hell-bent on reclaiming his throne. Hired to safeguard a medieval manuscript, Grant and his wingman plunge straight into danger, chasing a killer, a thief, and an old adversary they know as the Phantom.  Their client is lying, their objective is missing, and their reputation is on the line—along with their lives—as they hunt for clues in Turkish baths and ruined churches from Istanbul to the Dead Cities of Syria.  Modern wars spark ancient rivalries, leaving Grant caught between the man who would be king, and the mystery shrouding his mechanical throne. The Templars are after Grant’s head, and the next target is the woman who ignited his heart. The Bone Guard is on the job and the legend’s about to get real.

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The Bastard Queen

Beloved bastard of an unloved king, Fiona will do almost anything to please her father, even studying magic though she never shows more than a spark of talent. But the plague that grips their city sends her to work with the dying, as enmity builds between the two peoples her father has brought together. When arson burns a hospital, everyone blames the growing racial tension, until an unexpected suspect comes from the woods on a spirit-quest destined to uncover the secrets of Fiona’s past. Then Reynaud, long Fiona’s suitor, suddenly asks to marry her sister. Struggling to find a cure for the plague, Fiona becomes ever more convinced that its emergence is no coincidence—and that Reynaud may be leading a conspiracy that will end in genocide.

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The Bone Guard adventures–set 1

The first three Bone Guard novels, complete!  Plus a bonus short story, and a teaser for Bone Guard 4, The Mayan Bust!

Binge the series:  If Indiana Jones had served in special forces, it might be something like this!

Or as award-winning, NYT Best-selling author Brendan Dubois put it, “If you thought thrilling tales of archaeological discoveries and conflict began and ended with the Indiana Jones movies, you’d be wrong.  In her gripping Bone Guard series — The Mongol’s Coffin and The Nazi Skull — the talented E. Chris Ambrose tells tales not only of action, but of discovery and dedication of those determined to save important relics from our past.  Impeccably researched and well-written, this series is highly-recommended.”

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The Eunuch’s Heir

(The generational saga continues in…)
Prince Wolfram of Lochalyn can’t possibly live up to the reputation of his father, the Blessed Rhys, so why bother to try? Until a series of self-started catastrophes plunges him into the midst of the growing refugee population. They claim to be fleeing a war, and only Wolfram sees the danger that lurks in their mysterious ways. But his love for an exotic stranger, and his concern for the princess who pursues him collide with a more terrible struggle, in which his kingdom may fall and his very Goddess be brought to Her knees. Discredited by his past and disdained by his own mother, Wolfram must find the truth of his birth, and fight to make amends for all that he’s done—or be seduced by the darkness of distant power.

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The Fascist Frame (Bone Guard 5)

A stolen library, an old adversary, a league of warriors lying in wait…

When they receive a package from the Warden—the old-school Nazi whose hirelings nearly killed Grant in Arizona—Grant’s surprised it’s not a bomb but a job offer. The Warden holds the clue to a stash of Italian artworks stolen by the Nazis, which includes a thousand-year-old library stolen from the Jews of Rome. Trouble is, the stash has been tapped to raise money for the Gladio, a secret anti-Communist army established after WWII.

D.A. talks the Bone Guard into taking the job, but how do you know whom to trust when the Nazis write your paycheck? The Gladio leader wants his treasure, the Bone Guard wants to save the library—and the Warden’s not saying what she’s really after. A young historian helps them sort out the clues, from a ruined town to a buried Flak Tower, but they’re completely unprepared for what they find…

When betrayal comes, even Grant can’t brace for impact. The Bone Guard returns in their most dangerous adventure yet!

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The Forest of Bone

Treacherous gods, shapeshifting spies, and a new threat rising from the waves.

When the high alchemist’s wolf clan lover chooses his family over her, a single spiteful act suggests the bones of their world rise from dangerous ground. Eager to atone and to defend her unborn child Sorcha convinces the lord of the rat-shifters to aid her in a quest for redemption that may shatter lives and foul the very source of the magic that binds them.

Currently a Kindle Vella exclusive!  Read the first three chapters free, and unlock more chapters with tokens. Your Amazon account gives you 200 tokens free to keep reading!

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The Hearth Witch’s Son

When Roger the kitchen boy told everyone he was the king’s bastard and raised an army to overthrow his tyrant father, he never expected to have to live that lie.

In the aftermath of the Demon War, King Agravaine’s rule only became more oppressive. Somebody had to do something! After his own humiliation at the king’s feet, begging to get his mother freed from prison, Roger stepped up with his dangerous tale. Surely he would die in the fighting, but at least his mother, and maybe all of his people, could be free, and his wild story might inspire something greater.  His early supporters, Lady Rania, and his scullion friend Caterina—now leaders in his army—promise to keep his secret, if only Roger’s leadership turns out less devastating than his predecessor’s. Now he must navigate the politics of a crown he never meant to wear and bring together peasant and lord to revive the battered kingdom.  His attachment to Lady Rania grows even as his lies make it impossible for her to trust him. But the real test is yet to come:  how can the usurper Roger Silvertongue face the army backing the king’s true heir?

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The Maya Bust (Bone Guard 4)

A secret stash, a hidden crypt, a father’s love—spelled out in blood

When his commander’s estranged daughter vanishes in Guatemala, Grant Casey treks a deadly jungle and dives a sacred cenote to free her from a drug smuggler looking for a stash in an ancient pyramid.

Before his death in a rain of gunfire at her Quinceañeria, Raxha’s druglord father encoded a map on a cacao cup, a map that might lead her to millions in drugs in the tomb of Maya royalty.  Determined to claim her father’s legacy, kidnapping is only the beginning of a quest that may end with Raxha tearing out the heart of her enemy.  When the ransom exchange goes south, Grant embeds with the bad guys in a desperate attempt to rescue the victims before they become the latest blood sacrifice.

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The Mongol’s Coffin (Bone Guard 1)

Veteran heroes, a secret map, a legendary lost tomb!

When a grad student discovers a musical map to Genghis Khan’s tomb, her scholarly life explodes into arson and gunfire. Grant Casey brings in his team for a race to the tomb—to prevent Chinese authorities from burying it forever.

From Cambridge, Massachusetts to Cambridge, England Grant’s team searches for clues—then flies to Inner Mongolia, bringing together a Mongolian singer, a Hong Kong billionaire with a secret past, and Grant’s former commanding officer, who hates his guts.

Mongolian traditions clash with modern priorities in a high-stakes adventure to save one of the world’s greatest lost treasures.

Available in e-book, paperback or audio!

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The Nazi Skull (Bone Guard 2)

A sunken U-boat, a desert hit-squad, a family secret that might bury Grant forever!

When there’s a break-in at the tribal center on the reservation where he grew up, Grant flies home to Arizona only to find himself confronting white supremacists, Nazi eugenics and the tribal elder who refuses to speak his name: his own grandfather. Will Grant recover the most famous skeleton ever lost—or will he join the bones in their eternal rest?

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